The Physical Activity Research Center (PARC) is the University of Pittsburgh's premier research hub for exercise science, physiology, kinesiology, weight management, cardiovascular health, and sleep science research. Using state-of-the-art laboratory equipment in the School of Education’s Oak Hill research facility, our faculty and student researchers examine the connections between physical activity and health with the goal of improving wellbeing for all.

Coordinated by Duck-chul (DC) Lee, this lab researches the effects of physical activity on various health outcomes such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, sarcopenia, and cardiovascular disease.

Coordinated by Christopher Kline, this lab focuses on the interrelationships between physical activity, sleep, and cardiometabolic risk.

Coordinated by Sharon Ross, this lab conducts research that centers on child, youth, and family health and wellbeing.

Coordinated by Benjamin Gordon, this lab researches the effects of novel non-pharmacological exercise interventions to prevent and manage elevated blood pressure and hypertension in adults.

During PARC Seminars, scholars will share their cutting-edge multidisciplinary physical activity research.

If you want to participate in physical activity/exercise research studies, please fill out the Research Registry.