April Chambers, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Health & Human Development and Bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh, with research expertise in the fields of human movement, biomechanics, and injury prevention. Dr. Chambers earned her MS and PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Pittsburgh. She also has a certificate in Occupational Ergonomics from Colorado State University. Dr. Chambers is a Principal Investigator in the Human Movement and Balance Laboratory. She is Affiliate Faculty of the Healthy Lifestyle Institute and the Human Engineering Research Laboratories in VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System and School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.
The overall goal of her research is musculoskeletal injury prevention in healthy and diverse populations while improving health and human performance. Dr. Chambers collaborates with clinicians, physical or occupational therapists, radiologists, engineers, exercise scientists and physiologists, and behavioral scientists. She frequently partners with companies in her translational work and development of medical devices.
She has received support from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, National Institute of Health, Center for Medical Innovation, foundations, and industry partners. Her work has resulted in publications across 19 different peer-reviewed journals, numerous conference proceedings, and one patent. Dr. Chambers teaches and mentors in the Departments of Health and Human Development and Bioengineering with courses in biomechanics, movement science, anatomy, and physiology. Dr. Chambers serves both nationally and locally with a focus on supporting diversity- and inclusion-related initiatives and programs that support underrepresented students in STEM.